At the moment there are a lot of negative stories told online and in the media. Stories of hate, division and discrimination. It’s easy for the most aggressive commentators to overwhelm the narrative but that leads to a very dark place indeed!

At Open Sky, we work with artists from different backgrounds to tell positive stories that reinforce the idea that our similarities are far greater than our differences. In the current economic climate that’s a challenging mission and we need your help!

Our latest project MicroPlays: Identity tells 5 such stories. They’re powerful, moving, funny and authentic. We’ve filmed them over the last 3 months and now we need to raise money to complete post-production.

We know times are tough for everyone at the moment so any donation of any size would be deeply appreciated. We have a range of rewards to say ‘thank you’ for donating, plus you’ll become part of the Open Sky family of rebellious truth tellers!

We’re creating a series of five brand new digital shorts, MicroPlays: Identity. Five writers were asked the question, “What makes us who we are?” 

Blind Faith by Sam Obigbesan tells of a young man’s religious parents’ refusal to accept his failing sight.

Outside the Box by Claire Coaché is a comic book take on one peri-menopausal woman’s refusal to be pigeon-holed in the workplace.

Shoobs! by Janet Etuk is a raucous coming of age story set at a banging South London house party in the early noughties.

Shrimp by Yasser Zadeh is a story about a troubling homecoming, heavy drinking and an unexpected disco romance.

The Art of Dying by Lisle Turner sees a dying samurai fight his inner demons as he tries to say his final goodbyes to his daughter.

We’ve already shot the five films with an incredibly diverse and talented cast and crew but now we need to finish them to a standard that will make them stand out. That means composing the music, editing, sound designing, colouring and designing motion graphics; all done by working with a whole new set of talented artists.

We’ve included a little reel of a shot from each film above and some of the behind the scenes photos below. We hope you can see why we’re so excited about them!